Everyone wants
Smart Farm
Hello and welcome.
We appreciate your visit to the Kimgunja Red Ginseng Eggs website.
Dawon Smart Farm, where Kimgunja Red Ginseng Eggs are produced,
embodies the spirit of unity and the desire for collective success
and is situated in Boryeong, Chungcheongnamdo, an area renowned for its pristine air and water.
We are steadfastly committed to producing eggs of superior health and hygiene standards.
We procure antibiotic-free, hormone-free, and customized feed from HACCP-certified feed companies,
and all our farm facilities have acquired both antibiotic-free and HACCP certifications as of 2022.
Moreover, all facilities involved in the production of Kimgunja Red Ginseng Eggs employ
state-of-the-art smart farm technology, which enables us to manage chicks, feed, breeding,
and disease control systematically and scientifically through the implementation of smart systems.
Guided by our objective to provide consumers with trustworthy
and safe eggs while championing healthy animal welfare,
Kimgunja Red Ginseng Eggs promises to continue its operations with the best efforts.
Thank you.